To access past resolutions, click on the tab (along the left) for the year you wish to display the Resolutions for. To download a document, simply click on its title.
24R-14 Resolution No. 24R-14 Establishing Agency’s Investment Policy
24R-13 Resolution No. 24R-13 Resolution Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code – Biennial Review
24R-03 Resolution 24R-03 Expressing Appreciation for Outstanding Public Service By Craig A. Dicht
24R-02 Resolution 24R-02 Adopting the Directors` Compensation List A and B
24R-01 Resolution 24R-01 Establishing Committees and Other Appointments
23R-01 Adopting the Directors’ Compensation List “A” and “B”
23R-04 Setting the Service Line Installation Fee for Water Meter Size 3/4 thru 10-inch
23R-07 Fixing and Adopting Budget for FY2023.24
23R-08 Establishing a Schedule of Certain Fees and Charges for Specified Services
23R-09 Establishing a Schedule of Guaranteed Deposits for All Customer Classifications Served
23R-12 Establishing the Agency’s Investment Policy
23R-13 Confirming Reports of Delinquent Accounts 2023
23R-14 Improvement District Goat Mountain Standby Assessment 2023
23R-16 Establishing the Appropriations Limit of the Agency at $232,523 for FY2023-24
23R-17 Establishing A Banking Policy
23R-18 Adopt an Increased Basic Facilities Charge for Water Meter 3/4-inch to 10-inch
Resolution 21R-01 Modifying Basic Facilities Charge for 3/4 to 10 in Water Meters
Resolution 21R-02 Appreciation for Judy Corl-Lorono
Resolution 21R-03 Appreciation for J. Larry Coulombe
Resolution 21R-04 Annexation of Parcel 0631-071-12
Resolution 21R-05 Setting the Service Line Installation Fee
Resolution 21R-06 Authorizing Investment into Local Agency Investment Fund
Resolution 21R-07 Establishing Banking Policy with PacWest
Resolution 21R-08 Adjusting the Basic Facilities Charge and Water Consumption
Resolution 21R-09 Adoption of MND for Potable Water System Improvements
Resolution 21R-10 Increased Basic Facilities Charge for Water Meters
Resolution 21R-11 Annexation of Parcel 0631-051-28
Resolution 21R-12 Establishing a Schedule of Guarantee Deposits
Resolution 21R-13 Establishing Certain Fees and Charges
Resolution 21R-14 Fixing and Adopting Agency Budget FY 2021-22
Resolution 21R-15 Property Liens on the Secured Tax Rolls of SBC
Resolution 21R-16 Establishing Stand-By and Availability Fees For Improvements
Resolution 21R-17 Authorizing 3.0% Cost-Of-Living and Range and Step Scale
Resolution 21R-18 Establishing the Appropriation Limit of the Agency
Resolution 21R-19 Est Investment policy
Resolution 21R-20 Auth. investment of Monies into Local Agency Investment Fund
Resolution 21R-21 BDVWA Est its banking policy w PacWest Bank
Resolution 21R-22 F5a Authorizing Resolution to Seek Grant Funds from Prop 1 Planning Grant
Resolution 21R-23 Support for Candidate C. Greene Association of CA Water Agencies Vice President
Resolution 21R-24 Policy on Mandatory Training for Board of Directors
Resolution 21R-25 Establishing Criteria for Financial Reserves
Resolution 20R-21 Employee Handbook
Resolution 20R-20 Establishing Agency’s Conflict of Interest Code
Resolution 20R-19 Establishing GM Fees for FY 20-2021
Resolution 20R-18 Modifying BFC and SLI for 1in Residential Meters
Resolution 20R-17 Appropriation Limit of Agency 20-2021
Resolution 20R-16 Property Liens
Resolution 20R-15 Establishing Investment Policy
Resolution 20R-14 Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 20-2021
Resolution 20R-13 Authorizing Cost-Of-Living Adjustment
Resolution 20R-12 BOD Meeting Time Change
Resolution 20R-11 Employee Handbook
Resolution 20R-10 Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Resolution 20R-09 Public Agency Retirement Services PARS
Resolution 20R-08 Standing Committee, other appts, AD HOC
Resolution 20R-07 Fees UB Credit Card
Resolution 20R-06 Fees Meter Termination
Resolution 20R-05 Fees FF test, Will Serve, Variances
Resolution 20R-04 Fees New Acct, DQ, NSF
Resolution No. 19R-01 COLA Percentage Adjustment To Range And Step Scale Employees
Resolution No. 19R-02 Establishement of a Disclosure of Reimbursement Policy
Resolution No. 19R-03 Adopting the Agency Budget for FY 2019-20
Resolution No. 19R-04 Establishing Certain Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 19R-06 Investment Policy
Resolution No. 19R-08 Confirming Reports of DQ Accounts and Auth. for Placement of Tax Lien
Resolution No. 19R-09 FY 2019 2020 standby charge ID GM goat mountain
Resolution No. 22R-01 Adopting the Directors’ Compensation List
Resolution No. 22R-03 Non-Exempt and Exempt Employee Cost-of-Living Adjustment Fiscal Year 2022/23
Resolution No. 22R-04 Fixed Asset and Surplus Property Policy
Resolution No. 22R-05 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code (2022 Biennial Review – Amended)
Resolution No. 22R-06 Adopting Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2022.23
Resolution No. 22R-07 Proclaiming a State of Emergency Authoring Teleconferencing for Board Meetings
Resolution No. 22R-08 Establishing the Agency Investment Policy
Resolution No. 22R-09 Confirming Reports of Delinquent Accounts 2022
Resolution No. 22R-10 Establishing Standby ID Goat Mountain Tax Year 2022
Resolution No. 22R-11 Establishing Appropriation Limit FISCAL Year 20.23
Resolution No. 22R-12 Re-Ratifying Emergency Remote Teleconference July 21,22 to August 19.22
Resolution No.22R-19 Adopting Mojave Integrated Regional Water Management 2018 Update
17R-01 Modifying Basic Facilities Charge and Restating the Service-Line Installation Charge
17R-02 Establishing Certain Fees and Charges
17R-03 Auth. Cost of Living Percentage Adjustment to Employee Handbook Exh. B Range and Step Scale
17R-04 Expressing Support for AB 366 Act to Amend Sect 106.4 of the Water Code
17R-05 Change Reg Election of BOD to From Odd to Even Years Statewide Election
17R-06 Adopting a Revised Purchasing Policy
17R-07 Auth Agency Credit Cards for Staff and Setting Guidelines
17R-08 Auth. Agency Credit Cards for Directors and Setting Guidelines for the Use of the Same
17R-09 Board of Director’s Handbook for Purposes of Providing a Comprehensive Desktop Ref for BOD
17R-10 Public Records Retention and Destruction Policy
17R-11 Establishing an Agency Meeting Agenda Preparation Policy
17R-12 A Resolution Fixing and Adopting the Agency Budget for FY 2017 2018 for Bighorn DVWA
17R-13 Providing for the Levy and Collection of Taxes (Setting Ad Valorem) ID 1 for FY 2017 2018
17R-14 Est. Appropriation Limit for FY 2017 2018
17R-15 Est. Standby and Availability Fees for IMP Goat Mountain
17R-16 Election BOD SDRMA
17R-17 Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution for Non-State Agencies
17R-18 Restating Certain Fees and Charges
17R-19 Confirming Reports of DQ Accts for BSC Water Revenue Bond Surcharges etc and Auth Placement onto Property Tax
17R-20 Declaring Govt Body and Volunteers Deemed to be Emp. for Purpose of Providing Workers’ Comp Coverage
16R-01 Adopting a BOD Handbook for Purposes of Providing a Comprehensive Desktop Ref. for Board Members
16R-02 Establishing an Agency Injury and Illness Prevention Program
16R-03 Providing for the Levy and Collection of Taxes Imp Dist. 1 for FY 2016 2017
16R-04 Budget for FY 2016 2017 for BDVWA
16R-05 Est. Banking Policy with Pacific Western Bank
16R-06 Est. Appropriation Limit for FY 2016 2017
16R-07 Est. Establishing Standby and Availability Fees for Water Serv. in Imp Dist GM
16R-08 Confirming Reports of DQ Accts Auth Placement of Property Liens on Secured Tax Bills
16R-09 Adjusting the Basic Service Charge and Water Consumption Charges
16R-10 Adopting the BDVWA Local Multi-Hazard
16R-11 Establishing Criteria for Agency Financial Reserves
16R-12 Auth GM Data to be Prepared, Signed, Filed with Ca State Re Water Board for Integration of Agency Interconnectons with Hi Desert Water
Resolution NO. 18R-01 directors compensation list
Resolution NO. 18R-02 policy for reimbursemet of actual and necessary expenses
Resolution NO. 18R-03 Emp Handbook exhibit B range and step scale
Resolution NO. 18R-04 fixing and adopting the FY2018.19 budget
Resolution NO. 18R-05 applicant agency resolution
Resolution NO. 18R-06 ID GM standby resolution
Resolution NO. 18R-07 Bighorn Desert View Reso to initiate annexation of 630 111 01
Resolution NO. 18R-08 FY 2018 2019 Appropriations Limit
Resolution NO. 18R-09 STALE DATED CHECKS policy
Resolution NO. 18R-10 Confirming Reports of DQ Accounts and Auth. for Placement of Tax Lien
Resolution NO. 18R-11 Resolution Ending the Levy and Collection of Taxes within Imp Dist. No. 1 for FY 18.19 7 24 2018
Resolution No. 18R-12 Bighorn-Biennial Conflict of Interest Code-2018 update
Resolution No. 18R-13 Adopting the employee handbook
Resolution No. 18R-14 Adopting a drug and alcohol testing program for safety-sensitive employees
Resolution No. 18R-15 Beverly Lowry Resolution of Appreciation
Resolution No. 18R-16 Authorizing Participation In SDRMA Health Benefits Program
Resolution No. 18R-17 Adopting the Employee Handbook
Resolution No. 18R-18 Expressing Appreciation For Outstanding Public Service By Terry Burkhart
Resolution No. 18R-19 Expressing Appreciation For Outstanding Public Service By James Dennis Staley
Resolution No. 18R-20 Establishing Its Banking Policy With Pacific Western Bank
Resolution No. 18R-21 BDVWA Authorizing Investment of Monies into Local Agency Investment Fund
15R-01 Establishing a Fixed Asset and Surplus Prop. Policy
15R-02 Authorizing Agency Director Credit Cards and Setting Guidelines for the Use of the Same
15R-03 Hi Desert Water Interconnections Data to be Prepared
15R-04 Lookout Pipeline Improvements Data to be Prepared
15R-05 Emergency Power Improvements Data to be Prepared
15R-06 BDVW1 System Integration Data to be Prepared
15R-07 Providing for the Levy and Collection of Taxes (Ad Valorem) Imp. Dist. 1
15R-08 Adopting the Budget for FY 2015 2016 for BDVWA
15R-09 Auth Signature and Filing Financial Agreement BDVW1 System Integration
15R-10 Auth Signature and Filing Financial Agreement HDWD Interconnections
15R-11 Auth Signature and Filing Financial Agreement Lookout Pipeline Improvements
15R-12 Establishing Appropriation Limit of the Agency for FY2015-2016
15R-13 Auth. for Docs. DWSRF Hi Desert Water District Interconnections Project
15R-14 Auth. for Docs. DWSRF Lookout Pipeline Project
15R-15 Auth. for Docs. DWSRF BDV W1 System Integration Project
15R-16 Reimbursement Reso. of BDVWA for Alternate Power Improvements Project
15R-17 Auth. for Docs. SWRCB Alternate Power Improvements Project
15R-18 F8 Auth. for Docs. DWSRF Alternate Power Improvements Project
15R-19 Confirming Reports of Delinquent Accts for BSC, Water, etc and Auth Placement of Prop Liens on Secured Tax Rolls
15R-20 Est. Stand-By and Availability Fees for Water Imp Dist Goat Mtn ID GM
15R-21 For Election of Directors SDRMA BOD
15R-22 Est. the Format for the Recordation of Minutes at Meetings of the Agency
15R-23 Est. the Appropriation Limit of the Agency at $144,846.70 for FY 2015 2016
15R-24 Auth Execution of MOU and Participation in SDRMA Health Bene.
14R-01 Application Requesting LAFCO to Initiate Proceedings for Reorganization
14R-02 Nomination Judy Corl-Lorono as a Member of CSDA BOD
14R-03 Establishing Standing Committees and Authorizing the Creation of Ad Hoc Committees
14R-04 Authorizing Agency to Acquire Surplus Property through CA State Agency for Surplus Property
14R-05 Requesting LAFCO to Initiate Proceedings for Reorganization to include Annexations to the BDVWA and Dissolution of CSA 70 Zone W-1
14R-06 Establishing an Agency Meeting Agenda Preparation Policy
14R-07 Modifying Basic Facilities Charge and Service-Line Installation Charge
14R-08 Establishing Certain Fees and Charges
14R-09 Providing for the Levy and Collection of Taxes (Setting the Ad Valorem Tax) Within Improvement Dist. No 1 for FY 201415 at $175,900
14R-10 Establishing the Appropriation Limit
14R-11 Adopting the Agency Budget for FY 2014-2015
14R-12 Adopting the Mojave Integrated Regional Water Mngt Plan 2014
14R-13 Confirming Delinquent Accounts and Authorizing Placement of Property Liens on Tax Rolls
14R-14 Authorizing GM to Sign and Submit a Funding Agreement SDWBL Program
13R-01 Establishing BDVWA Investment Policy
13R-02 Expressing Its Unqualified Support for the Enactment of Senate Bill SB 246, Amending the Bighorn Mountains Water Agency Law
13R-03 Expressing Its Support for Senate Bill 246, An Act to Amend Section 33305 of the Water Code
13R-04 Establishing the Guarantee Cash Deposit for 2-Inch Bulk Meter Service Accounts
13R-05 Establishing a Policy for the Approval of the Expense of Bad Debt
13R-06 Adopting the Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
13R-07 Establishing the Appropriation Limit of the Agency at $142,384.37 for FY 2013 2014
13R-08 Providing for the Levy and Collection of Taxes (Setting the Ad Valorem Tax) Within Improvement District No. 1 for FY 2013 2014 at $175,900
13R-09 For the Election of Directors to the Special District Risk Management Authority Board of Directors
13R-10 Authorizing Agency Credit Cards and Setting Guidelines for the Use of the Same
13R-11 Confirming Reports of Delinquent Accounts for Basic Service Charges, Water Charges, Revenue Bond Surcharges, Delinquent Fees and Processing Fees
13R-12 Expressing Appreciation to Director David Larson
13R-13 Expressing Appreciation to Ret. Colonel Phil Cisneros for his Long-Term Dedication to the Twentynine Palms Water District BOD
13R-14 Establishing Criteria for Agency Financial Reserves
13R-15 Code of Conduct for the Members of the Agency Board of Directors
13R-16 Establishing a Policy for Reimbursement of Actual and Necessary Expenses for Board Members
13R-17 Establishing Banking Policy with Union Bank
13R-18 Authorizing Investment of Monies into the LAIF
13R-19 Policy Outlining the Procedure for Accessing Public Documents
12R-01 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s Attorney by Motion
12R-02 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s Auditor by Motion
12R-03 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s Board Secretary by Motion
12R-04 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s Chief Engineer by Motion
12R-05 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s General Manager by Motion
12R-06 Rescinding Past Resolutions and Appointing the Agency’s Treasurer by Motion
12R-07 Appointing the Agency’s Vice President by Motion
12R-08 Authorizing Investment of Monies into the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)
12R-09 Approving a Form for Making Claims Against the Agency
12R-10 Establishing its Banking Policy with Union Bank
12R-11 Rescinding Resolution 00R-03, Consolidating the Offices of the Secretary and the Treasurer
12R-12 Rescinding the Positions of the Agency’s Assistant Board Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
12R-13 Nominating Terry Burkhart for Regular Special District Member of the Local Agency Formation Commission
12R-14 Rescinding Resolution No. 91R-08, Naming a Designated Person to Determine the Timeliness and or Sufficiency of Property Liability Claims Against the Agency
12R-15 Supporting Expansion of the Sphere of Influence over W-1 LAFCO 3148
12R-16 Establishing Appropriations Limit of the Agency FY 11.12
12R-17 Authorizing Investment Monies into LAIF
12R-18 Adopting a Public Records Retention and Destruction Policy
12R-19 Opposing Sec 7.8 of water quality control policy for siting OWTS septic systems
12R-20 Opposing the elimination of Colorado RWQCB Region 7
12R-21 Approving Membership in the ACWA Joint Powers Insurance
12R-22 Levy and Collection of Taxes (setting the Ad Valorem tax) Improv. Dist 1 2012 and 13 at $175,900
12R-23 Estabilish Appropriation Limit at $136,671.50
12R-24 Fixing and Adopting the Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
12R-25 Confirming Reports of Delinquent Accounts and Authorizing Placement of Property Liens
12R-26 Amending the Agency’s Conflict of Interest Code
12R-27 Establishing Standing Committees and Authorizing the Creation of Ad Hoc Committees
12R-28 Establishing A Policy for Mandatory Training for Board Meeting
12R-29 Establishing a Policy for Reimbursement of Actual and Necessary Expenses for Board Members (2)
12R-30 Adopting the Water Infrastructure Restoration Program & Ames Reche Groundwater Storage & Recovery Program
12R-31 Establishing An Agency Injury and Illness Prevention Program
12R-32 Amending the Employee Handbook