We require the following to open a new account:
- Owner Request to Provide Water Service to Tenant submitted by owner
- Application for Water Service
- Photo ID (such as a driver’s license)
- $35 Account Set-up Fee
- $100 Deposit – Required for all tenants.
- 10.1 Service to Tenants. The Agency will, upon written request of an owner (i.e. Owner/Tenant Agreement) and receipt of a complete water service application and guarantee deposit from the owner’s tenant, open an account in the name of a tenant.
- 10.3 Tenants Vacating Premises. Tenants desiring to terminate water service (i.e. close a water account) shall request turn-off of service from the Agency office at least two (2) working days prior to vacating the premises. Until turn-off service is ordered and completed, the tenant shall be responsible for all applicable charges on the account. Upon completion of turn-off service, any unused guarantee deposit will be refunded. If the guarantee deposit is insufficient, the Agency will submit a final bill to the tenant. If the tenant fails to pay the final closing bill, the Agency will make a one additional attempt to collect the funds through either a delinquent billing process or a written letter of delinquency. Should the tenant fail to pay the final bill the amount owed will be transferred to the owner/landlord for payment.